New Shooter I-IV: The Complete Course

Each of these classes is roughly an hour long. If you already have your gun, you can take them back-to-back.

All about our New Shooter course


Yes, you CAN purchase the entire course at once even if the classes then are scheduled on different dates.


Images of payment options through

(If you'll need to purchase a firearm, you'll want a couple of weeks between New Shooter I and II.)

New Shooter I: The Basics. An introduction to handgun types, sizes, and caliber requirements; Ammo 101; and firearms law in California. Classroom only. This course is for people seeking a basic firearms orientation. Especially good for first-time purchasers but will work well to introduce you to the ins and outs of your new or rediscovered handgun.

Go to New Shooter I now

New Shooter II: Actual shooting experience. Live-fire range. Meet your native marksmanship skills and learn how to start improving them. We continue with safe loading and unloading techniques and start you on a good firearm maintenance regimen. We strongly suggest you complete this class before going out to shoot solo.

Go to New Shooter II now

New Shooter III: Gun Cleaning. Workroom only. If you're looking to learn the right way to clean and maintain your handgun in good order, this one's for you. Excellent for new owners but will work well to get you back to good habits with your rediscovered handgun. Learn how to field strip, clean, and reassemble your gun. Learn as well how to begin discerning between problems you can fix and things you should take to your local smith.

Go to Gun Cleaning now

New Shooter IV: Principles of Marksmanship. Live-fire range. This is a flexible, individualized session that takes a look at your current skill levels, wherever they are, and moves those up a notch (often several notches).  NOTE: No spectators, children, or pets are permitted in any live-fire class. Couples and buddies train at separate stations.

Go to Marksmanship now

Contact Us

Black Oak Training, Inc.
P.O. Box 1731, Magalia CA 95954
P: 530-624-1562, text OK
Contact us to arrange a video chat

Collage credit: alexkich, Adobe Stock
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About Us

Black Oak Training, Inc. is a firearms-safety training facility in Butte County, California. We provide training and qualification for Butte, Nevada, and Tehama County concealed-carry permits along with a number of NRA and other classes.

Our CCW classes cater to individuals who are serious about learning how to defend their own and others' lives. We don't teach you how to pass a test; we teach you how to survive attack.

Checking for max interstate reciprocity? Our CCW proof of qualification is accepted for non-resident Arizona and Florida CCW permits.